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Quality QDRO Preparation & Estate Planning
What is a QDRO?
A Qualified Domestic Relations Order ("QDRO") assigns a former spouse all or a portion of a participant's benefits under a retirement plan.
Why do I need a QDRO?
Your portion of your ex-spouse's retirement account will not be secured until your court-executed QDRO has been approved and accepted by the plan administrator.
Ms. Hendrix has extensive experience preparing QDROs for many retirement plans, including the following:
Advantage 401(k) Savings Plan
Alliant Techsystems 401(k) Plan
American Express Retirement Savings Plan
Civil Service Retirement System
ExxonMobil Savings Plan
Federal Employees Retirement System
Fusion-io, Inc. 401(k) Plan
ICMA 401(k)
Kennecott Corporation Pension Plan for Hourly Employees
O.C. Tanner Retirement and Savings Plan
Operating Engineers Pension Fund
PacifiCorp K Plus Employee Savings Plan
PacifiCorp/IBEW Local 57 Retirement Trust Fund Qualified Retirement Plan
Pension Plan for Salaried Employees of Union Pacific Corporation and Affiliates
Rio Tinto America Inc. 401(k) Savings and Investment Partnership Plan
Sky West, Inc. Employees' Retirement Plan
Symantec Corporation Section 401(k) Plan
Thrift Savings Plan
Union Pacific Corporation Thrift Plan
University of Utah Defined Contribution Plan
Utah Retirement Systems Defined Benefit Plan
Utah Retirement Systems Defined Contribution Plans
Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Plan
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